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Shun-Cheng Wu

(1)Title: Department Head / Assistant Professor
     Ph.D. Department of Transportation Technology
     National Chiao Tung University.
     Service Management
     Applied Psychometrics
     Travel Behavior Analysis  
     Logistics Management
     Supply Chain Management
(5)Referred Paper
    1. Chang, H.L., Wu, S.C., 2008. Exploring the vehicle
        dependence behind mode choice: evidence of
        motorcycle dependence in Taipei. Transportation
        Research A, 42, 307-320. (SSCI)
    2. Chang, H.L., Wu, S.C., 2010. Applying the Rasch
        measurement to explore the elderly passengers' ability
        and difficulties in bus taking. Journal of Advanced
        Transportation. 44 (3), 134-149. (SCI)
    3. Wang, Y.S., Wu, S.C., Lin, H.H., Wang, Y.Y., 2010. 
        The Effects of Service Failure Severity, Service
        Recovery Justice and Perceived Switching Cost on
        Customer Loyalty in the Context of E-Tailing.
        International Journal of Information Management.
        (Accepted. In press). (SSCI)
    4. Wang, Y.S., Wu, S.C., Lin, H.H., Wang, Y.M., Ho, K.,
        2011. Determinants of User Adoption of Web ATM: An
        Integrated Model of TCT and IDT. The Service 
        Industries Journal, 1-21. (SSCI)

Ful-Chiang Wu

(1)Title: Professor, Dean of Research and Development
    Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management, Yaun-Ze
    University, 2004.
    Robust design
    Quality Management
    Statistical Analysis
    Service Quality Management

Fang-Pei Nieh

(1)Title: Associate Professor
     Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean 
     University, major in Food Science, M.S.
    Hygiene & Safety of Food and Beverage
    Restaurant service & management Specialist
  - Professional Drink Modulation and Internship
    Hotel HACCP Practice and Legislation
    Management & Operation of Hospitality  


(1)Title: Associate Professor
    Ph. D. degrees in Department of Industrial Engineering  
    and  Management from the University of Yuan-Ze
    operational management, production scheduling, Revenue  
    Management, Service Industry Management

Wu, Shyi-Huey

(1) Title: Associate Professor
(2) Education: Doctor of Education, Spalding University, 
     Kentucky, U.S.A.  (2001/07/~2004/10)
(3) Working Experiences:
     Associate Professor, Department of Hotel Management,
     Vanung University (2016/08/01~Now)
     Associate Professor, Department of Food and Beverage
     Management, Vanung University (2013/08/01~2016/07/31)
     Associate Professor, Department of Information 
     Management, Vanung University (2005/06/28~2013/07/31)
     Lecturer, Vanung University (1996/08/01~2005/06/28)
     Financial Analyst, Division of Accounting, Ministry of  
     Communication and Transportation (1994/05~1996/07)
(4) Expertise:
     Hospitality Quality Service, Hospitality Enterprise   
     Resource Planning, Hospitality Customer Relationship
     Management, Applied Statistics
(5) Email:

Timothy Sun

Academic Background
•Master of Law(2016): Master Program in National Security and Mainland China Studies at National Chengchi University College of International Affairs
•Master of Science (2013): Department of Tourism at Ming Chung University
•Certificate: (1989)Deutsches Weininstitut GmbH
•Certificate: (1988)Wine & Bar and Banquet Management Courses Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne
•BA (1984): Major in Chemistry Engineering, Ming-Shing College
Language Ability
Mandarin (Chinese), English,,

Ya-Chi Lee

(1)Title: Lecturer
     Graduate Institute of Urban Planning , National Taipei 
     University, M.A.
     Real Estate Investment--Theory and Practice
     Human resource management   